Pupil Personnel Services and Special Education

Catherine Sweeney - Director of Pupil Personnel Services

Please contact the following Department Members for information regarding areas indicated:

  •    Middle School Grades 5-8
  •    High School Grades 9-12
  •    Out of District Students - All Grades

Michelle Battaglia, Department Secretary: 845-855-4626

  •    Elementary School Grades K-4
  •     Preschool Children

The Pawling Central School District offers a variety of general education, Special Education programs, and support services to meet the needs of all students. Our teachers related service personnel, and support service personnel, (guidance, social worker, nurses and psychologists), use a collaborative and coordinated approach to support students’ strengths and needs.  Various teaching methodologies and strategies accompany this approach to help our students reach academic success.

We have established a cooperative relationship with our neighboring BOCES, (Dutchess BOCES and Putnam/ Northern Westchester BOCES), and New York State Education Department approved private schools, and agencies. These agencies provide various technical, Special Education, and remedial programs and services to some of our district students.  

Our district believes in early identification and the provision of interventions, programs and services to meet our students’ needs to ensure academic success, in the general education classrooms. If interventions are necessary, referrals are made to our building level teams to review student progress. These referrals go through the RTI teams, (Response to Intervention), at Pawling Elementary School and Pawling Central Middle School; and through the SST, (Student Study Team), at Pawling High School.

If additional interventions are necessary, referrals to the CSE, (Committee on Special Education), may come from the Building Principals and their RTI and SST teams; Director of Pupil Personnel; and from parents who suspect their child has an educational disability. Parents who have questions or concerns may contact their child’s respective building principal or Pupil Personnel Services office at 845-855-4625 or 845-855-4626.

For parents of our preschool children, ages 2 1/2-5, may make referrals directly to the Committee on Preschool Special Education. Parents who have questions or concerns may contact the Pupil Personnel Services office at 845-855-4626.